
Backbone of your Health

Total Health By Jenny

What you eat is 80% of weight loss. Exercise can only do so much when you’re trying to lose weight. There are many factors that are in play when it comes to weight loss. Everyone's body has different problems that are causing their weight gain. If you can fix what’s going wrong on the inside then you can alter the outside. Many of you have been told it’s simple; eat this, and don’t eat that. Try this diet. Try fasting. Try a juice cleanse. You swing from one diet to the next. Lose weight to just gain it back. You aren’t fixing the problem you are band-aiding it for a period where you lose weight. Once that’s done you go back to life, and do all the things that put the weight on in the first place. When I talk nutrition I will never say diet. This is a life change. I will write you meal plans that will help guide you. I will teach you what certain foods do to your internal system. How many of the diseases and cancers are able to thrive and develop starting with your gut from the foods you consume.  I’ll teach you healthy alternatives to what you already eat. Nutrition is a huge part of your total health. With my help we will create balance internally, so we can mould the external any way you’d like.
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