Total Youth
Rather than trying to break bad habits as adults, I'll help your kids learn the right habits from the start.

Total Health By Jenny

I’ve worked with many children and teenagers over the years. Being able to teach them healthy habits, and have better self-esteem has meant a lot to me.  Children are becoming more and more sedentary with the over use of iPads, cellphones, video games, and laptops. Some school’s physical fitness has been cut, and not every kid can be on the sports team. I’ve been blessed to be able to provide that outlet of fitness, nutrition, and improvement of self-esteem for many of those kids. Plus now that I’m training through FaceTime, Skype, or messenger your children don’t have to leave the comfort of their own home. After all who doesn’t want the best for their children. One of the highest priorities should be their health considering it will decide their life span. Make a great future health choice for them, and reach out to me. It would be my pleasure to teach them the essentials of total health.
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